Thursday, March 25, 2010

Found it!

I know I've been updating a lot today, but after a relentless search, I have found the new article I am going to create for Wikipedia. Since I am a Harry Potter fan and editing the book series page, I have decided to create a character entry for Ginny Weasley. I was very surprised that such an important character didn't have a page on Wikipedia already. I am in the beginning stages of developing the page and hopefully should have it done sometime next week. I will post the permanent link for the article when it's finish. Let's hope this one doesn't get deleted!

Writing Update # 2

Ok, so I know I only have one person reading this blog, but I just wanted to write about my writing. I am currently writing a children's book, an idea that was inspired by personal experiences and my time in a Children's Literature. It is a literary fairy tale, one that I aspire to be much different from previous ones. I am currently half-way through it right now and hope to finish the first draft before the summer starts. I've been on a role with it lately, so hopefully that deadline is within reach.

I am also coming up with ideas for re-crafting for my script. It's a sci-fi/action-adventure film. I wrote a draft of this but am re-writing it after reading several screenwriting novels and screenplays themselves. I call this my Star Wars, my opus and the biggest test of my imagination.

Me and my writing partner also have come up with a television show idea. It's geared mainly towards children and would find an excellent home on the Disney Channel.

My big dream is to be a screenwriter, so I hope one day I shall see my sci-fi script on the silver screen! Peace out for now.

On the Search for Wikipedia Article

I'm trying to find an article that is not created already on Wikipedia. This is a hard task considering everything you can possibily think of has a page. So the search goes on...

Wikipedia Harry Potter Edit #3

I made another quick grammatical edit on the Harry Potter wikipedia page. Here is the permalink:

I fixed some stuff in the Theme Park section.

Wikipedia Harry Potter Edit #2

I visted the Harry Potter article again upon recieving news that the theme park in Universal Studios would be open June 18th, 2010. This is the change I made in the Theme Park section of the article.

Here is the permalink: