Thursday, April 22, 2010

Writing Update

I know it's been a long time since I've last posted, but I just wanted to give a quick update about my writing. I know no one is actually reading this, but at this point, I'm writing for my own benefit.

I am close to completing a children's picture book. I've also began writing the novelized version of The Seventh Daughter.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New Blog!

I am planning on keeping this blog to promote my writing endevours, but I have also created a blog specifically for movies entitled "Adventures in Cinema." Check it out please. I'm trying to get an audience for a schoo, assignment I have to do.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Finished Wikipedia Article!

I finally finished creating a page for Wikipedia. It's posted and still awaiting review by moderators. Check it out: Ginerva (Ginny) Weasley.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blog Change

For my final project, I plan to transform this blog into one that will feature movies. Changes are coming. Stayed tuned!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Quick Update

Hey! I've been working hard on creating my wikipeida article. I'm nearly done and trying to figure out how to put photos on. I also need to figure out to publish it. Hopefully it will be done by the end of the week.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Found it!

I know I've been updating a lot today, but after a relentless search, I have found the new article I am going to create for Wikipedia. Since I am a Harry Potter fan and editing the book series page, I have decided to create a character entry for Ginny Weasley. I was very surprised that such an important character didn't have a page on Wikipedia already. I am in the beginning stages of developing the page and hopefully should have it done sometime next week. I will post the permanent link for the article when it's finish. Let's hope this one doesn't get deleted!

Writing Update # 2

Ok, so I know I only have one person reading this blog, but I just wanted to write about my writing. I am currently writing a children's book, an idea that was inspired by personal experiences and my time in a Children's Literature. It is a literary fairy tale, one that I aspire to be much different from previous ones. I am currently half-way through it right now and hope to finish the first draft before the summer starts. I've been on a role with it lately, so hopefully that deadline is within reach.

I am also coming up with ideas for re-crafting for my script. It's a sci-fi/action-adventure film. I wrote a draft of this but am re-writing it after reading several screenwriting novels and screenplays themselves. I call this my Star Wars, my opus and the biggest test of my imagination.

Me and my writing partner also have come up with a television show idea. It's geared mainly towards children and would find an excellent home on the Disney Channel.

My big dream is to be a screenwriter, so I hope one day I shall see my sci-fi script on the silver screen! Peace out for now.